2021 Update
Jose is a sweet 6-year-old boy living with his parents and 4-year-old brother. Prior to diagnosis “Grade 4 Brain Cancer”, both of Jose’s parents were working full time, however his mother has had to significantly reduce her hours at work in order to bring Jose to his treatments. Jose and his mother traveled120 miles a day back and forth for radiation, Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy. Jose has just completed high dose inpatient chemotherapy. Their family’s income has been cut nearly in half and travel and co-pay expenses are really placing a tremendous strain on the family. JUST TRYAN IT, funded a grant to assist with their mortgage and other expenses while their family focuses on Jose’s care.
Jose still has MRI, audiology, ophthalmologist and endocrinologist with the oncology team every three months. Still doing PT and OT and improving, we will finish treatment with them this December if he is still getting better. He is repeating 1st grade, he was doing homebound school and he just started in person. He uses a hat now because one kid from the neighborhood made him realize he has something in the back of his head: the scar. Now thank God his hair is growing and covering most of it but he got conscious he has something in his head and uses a hat. The school allowed him to wear one. Day by day with hope and faith we keep going.
January 2023 Update
“Just diagnosed with dyslexia and due to the Medulloblastoma has MRI every 3 months and thank God is clear. We just did have an MRI this past February 17 and yesterday all the check ups with the team of Drs at National children’s hospital. He loves art and legos.
“We are having trouble with appetite but we keep going. ‘Mateo’ [Jose] is the sweetest boy and a warrior.”
-Jose’s mother
January 2024 Update
“We just pass the 2 years of high risk for relapse with Medulloblastoma. Now my son has MRI’S instead of every 3 months, every 6 months and we will try without sedation in the fall. Every 6 months is going to be neuropasilogist, oncologist, endocrinologist and radio oncologist. Has braces for his feet and instead of going every 3 months will be every 6 months, vision is good he wears glasses, hearing is good, he just lost high pitch hearing. Has neuropsycological test one a year and we are going to request school for IEP again. Last year school said he did not needed and that they will help him. We do therapy to manage emotions and changes. We will have endocrinologist test soon. With nutrition we keep pushing for eating so he does not need medications. He is doing Karate and will start swimming lessons in April instead of karate. He tries his best, even dough he is tired he wants to keep up like the other kids. He loves cats! His little brother is his best support!”
-Jose’s mother, Katie