The Board of Directors of JUST TRYAN IT is pleased to announce the winner of the 2021 Carrie Sloan Norry Founders Award. This award is presented annually to an individual or individuals who demonstrate strength of character, passion, determination, empathy and dedication to those impacted by cancer. These are qualities that Carrie has demonstrated throughout her life and especially as the Founding Executive Director of JUST TRYAN IT. This year the Board is proud to bestow this honor on Andy Luther and the Landon School .

Andy Luther has been involved with JUST TRYAN IT from its inception. For the past thirteen years, Andy has served as the liaison between JUST TRYAN IT and Landon School, working to engage the entire Landon community in supporting our mission. Andy was integral in establishing JUST TRYAN IT as a partner in Landon’s Ethics, Service and Leadership work, ensuring that their commitment to families facing cancer goes beyond race weekend. Thanks to Andy’s leadership, several seniors completed senior projects with JTI; and the entire Landon community: buildings and grounds, administration, faculty, students and parents have welcomed JUST TRYAN IT on race weekend. Our Bethesda race would not be possible without their deep commitment and generous support.
“What a huge honor it is to be able to share this award with the Landon community. I love the fact that JTI was started on Landon’s campus by a group of friends, and that through all the help and support of the Landon students, faculty and staff – my friends – we have been able to be a home for JTI for 13 years.” — Andy Luther
In addition to his full-time job as the Co-Director of College Counseling at Landon, Andy Luther is the Varsity Golf Head Coach and Upper School Magister Latinitatis (Latin Teacher). Andy has made his commitment to JUST TRYAN IT a family affair. He and his wife, Meredith, one of the original friends who founded JTI, are longtime volunteers and their son, Drew, races with JTI every year.
“I feel blessed to share JTI with Meredith and our son, Drew, and to make it an essential part of our family, the way Carrie did for her family. Carrie’s love for the Darbys, for JTI, and for all the incredible work everyone has done to touch so many families and so many lives has always been and continues to be contagious, and I am so thankful to be a part of what she began for us.“ — Andy Luther
Thank you Andy and the Landon community for all you do to help those families with a child in cancer treatment in your community.