What a GREAT day! Thank you to all who raced, volunteered, and raised money to support local families fighting childhood cancer – we raised more than $4,500! Despite the chilly temperatures, the sun was shining and the “cold feet, warm hearts” saying was in full effect.
Post Race Details
A special thank you to Episcopal High School for allowing us to use their beautiful campus and providing amazing volunteers including crews that lined and set up the course before the race.
A big thank you to Pacers for hosting our Packet Pick Up and for providing awards to our top finishers.
Thank you to Windsor Timing for chasing down those “missing” results.
Results are available on our webpage. If you find any errors, please reach out and let me know.
Pictures/video from the finish are available in the results (there was a live stream video) and we also have pictures that our volunteers captured from the course HERE. Please feel free to upload additional pictures if you have them!