Cody loved pirates. He thought if he was tough like them that he could beat the cancer. He was great at lego’s, and loved watching spongebob. Patrick was his favorite. He liked playing video games with his older brother and always cheered him on when it came time to beat the ‘big boss’ in the games. It was very hard to beat him at Monopoly or Stratego. He was always thinking. He would sell candy and band aids to the nurses during his stays in the hospital. He loved his family and his dogs. Christmas and Easter were his favorite Holidays. Even though he was little himself he always wanted to pull the younger kids with cancer around the clinic in the wagon. He also tried to help the old people with walkers. He enjoyed puzzles while waiting for his radiation treatments. Cody was a brave, compassionate, caring, smart, athletic, loving, kind soul. He touched so many people in his 6 1/2 years and he is our hero. We honor him and his memory.