THANK YOU! $40,128 for families fighting cancer.
We are Doing Good Together.
On January 1st we received this letter from Amy, a JUST TRYAN IT grantee and the mother of 12 year old Evan. Evan recently completed his chemotherapy treatment. Amy’s letter captures the deep gratitude grantee families have for all those who aid them on their journey. Thank you for supporting JUST TRYAN IT and the many families we serve.
Looking back at Jan 1, 2022; I never imagined that day that our world would literally collapse in less than a month. Despite all the darkness, sadness, and unknowns we have learned so much this year. We have learned that one moment can change everything; that one moment you are a perfectly ordinary family and the next your whole world shatters and it’ll never be put back together the same again. We have learned that love and kindness from complete strangers are blessings. We have learned that we are stronger than we thought we ever could be and even stronger because of the support of those that cared for us spiritually, emotionally and financially when we needed it most. We have learned that family, friends, acquaintances and complete strangers will step up to help without even being asked.
This past year we received so much generosity, kindness and love that there is no way I will ever feel it has been repaid. We are constantly searching for ways that we can give back. Evan received many transfusions, platelets and red blood cell transfusions. This would not be possible without the kindness and selflessness of donors.
I am grateful for the health of our entire family, knowing first hand that any day, worlds can be turned upside down. Tonight (and every night) we hug our boy close and wish that this year brings us peace and hope for our future. I hope we continue to learn, grow humbled by our situation so that we can help others do the same.
Wishing everyone a happy, healthy, prosperous, charitable, grateful, kind and plentiful 2023!